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מריחת קרם הגנה בשבת
VIEW SHIUR IN ENGLISH בימים אלה, ימי הקיץ, ובפרט בתקופת החופשה השנתית, רבים יוצאים לבלות בחיק הטבע, בחוף הים ובכל מקום, והצד השווה שבהם הוא חשיפה משמעותית לשמש יותר מאשר בשאר ימות השנה. בשנים האחרונות התפתחה המודעות...
Registration for CME credits Special zoom shiur from Hagaon Rav Asher Weiss Shlita
To register : Click here
Medical Halacha Chaburas
Introducing the Medical Halacha Chabura Initiative The Medical Halacha Chabura is a global initiative to facilitate in-depth, clear, guided study of the most fundamental and relevant topics in Medical Halacha...
“Electricity on Shabbos in the Digital World”
Virtual Beis Medrash 5-Part Series
Starting Sunday, August 30, 2020
Register today.
From the Rabbi’s Desk: (Leil) Shabbos Breakfast
Question: Dear Rabbi Sprung, This year Asara b’Teves falls on a Friday. Is it Halachically acceptable to break my fast with a light meal of cake and coffee rather than a full Seudas Shabbos? Answer: The fast of Asara...
It’s All About the Timing
There is an obligation Min haTorah to recite Krias Shema twice daily, once in the morning and again in the evening. The Gemara in Brachos (4b)adds: R’ Yehoshua ben Levi said, “Although one recited Krias Shema in Shul...
Chanuka for the (Physically) Challenged
Even if a person cannot light the Neiros without assistance, he may recite the Bracha if he performs the lighting himself, even if somebody holds and guides his hand. However, if he cannot do it on his own (for example...