The Mitzvos of Chodesh Adar and Purim start with the reading of the four special Parshiyos, among them Parshas Zachor, which is read on the Shabbos preceding Purim. Most opinions maintain that the obligation to hear this reading is mid’Oraisa. This Mitzvah poses challenges for elderly, disabled, or hospitalized individuals due to concerns such as the unavailability of a Minyan or a Sefer Torah. This essay will outline guidelines and practical solutions.
- Every[male] individual is obligated to hear Parshas Zachor. One must be more meticulous in its observance than the regular Torah reading throughout the year (Shlah, Megila, Ner Mitzva, 1).
- A hospitalized or homebound person who cannot hear Parshas Zachor should read the Pesukim (from the end of Ki Seitzei) to himself. If he has a Sefer Torah, he should read from it, even if he is alone (Mishna Berura 685:17), but should not recite a Bracha unless there is a Minyan. He should try to read with the Trop (Rema ibid.). If he does not have a Sefer Torah, he should read the Pesukim from a Chumash (Teshuvos v’Hanhagos 3:221). Some Poskim hold that one can fulfill the obligation by listening to the reading of vaYavo Amalek on Purim, provided that both the listener and the reader have intent (Magen Avraham 685. The Mishna Berura, however, disagrees).
- The Poskim argue whether women are obligated to hear Parshas Zachor. Therefore, a woman should attend a reading if she can, even if she is sick, disabled, or hospitalized (Halichos Shlomo, Adar, 18, Orchos Halacha footnote 1; Or l’Tzion 4:51:7; Yalkut Yosef, O.C. 13, Moadim, p261). However, if it is difficult or if no Minyan is available, she should read the Pesukim from a Chumash (Teshuvos v’Hanhagos 2:344).
- In hospitals or nursing homes where a Minyan can only be gathered on Friday night but not on Shabbos morning, a Sefer Torah should be brought out at night and Parshas Zachor should be read but without a Bracha (Teshuvos v’Hanhagos 2:93, in the name of the Achiezer).
- A person fulfills his obligation of Parshas Zachor even if he hears it in a different dialect or accent than their own, though it is preferable to hear it in his own Nusach (Halichos Shlomo, Adar, 18:1).
- An elderly or ill person who has difficulty standing may listen to Parshas Zachor while seated, even if his custom (as is common among Ashkenazim) is to stand. Standing is not an absolute requirement. (Most Sefardim customarily sit for Parshas Zachor.)
- If an elderly, disabled, or nursing home-bound person finds it very difficult to leave his residence (or hospital/nursing home room) and can only leave once, and he must choose between hearing Parshas Zachor and hearing the Megila (such as when Purim falls on Motzei Shabbos), he should prioritize Parshas Zachor and read the Megila at home (Mishnah Berura 685:16; Aruch haShulchan 685:7; Kaf haChaim 685:34).
- If a person hears Parshas Zachor but misses a few words, he has still fulfilled his obligation if he heard the main elements recounting Amalek’s actions (Halichos Shlomo, Adar, 18:2).
- The Mechaber rules that a Sefer Torah should not be brought to prisoners even on Rosh Hashana or Yom Kippur (Shulchan Aruch, O.C. 135:14). The Mishna Berura (ibid. 46) quotes a dissenting opinion because the prisoners are “Anusim” and rules that for Parshas Zachor which is mid’Oraisa we can certainly be lenient and possibly for Parshas Parah as well. He further clarifies in the Bi’ur Halacha that if a Minyan is present, it is permissible in all circumstances. This would apply even if nine of them have already heard Parshas Zachor.[1] However, some Poskim rule that a Sefer Torah should not be brought even for Parshas Zachor (Kaf haChaim 85).
- When reading Parshas Zachor in the above scenarios, if most of the ten participants have not yet heard Parshas Zachor, one should be called up to the Torah and recite the Brachos. However, if most of them have already heard the K’ria, the Brachos should not be recited (R’ Nissim Karelitz zt”l, Iggeres haPurim, 1:4 and footnote 13; R’ Chaim Kanievsky zt”l, Teshuvos in Ishei Yisrael, 394).[2]
- Some Poskim suggest that when gathering a Minyan for Parshas Zachor, the Parshas haShavua should be read first. Others hold that the Brachos may be recited, even if the Minyan has not yet heard the regular Torah reading.[3]
[1] Ishei Yisrael (p791) quotes the Psak of R’ Chaim Kanievsky zt”l that a Sefer Torah should not be brought for the patient to read it b’Yechidus.
[2] See also Teshuvos v’Hanhagos 3:221.
[3] See Teshuvos v’Hanhagos ibid. citing R’ Shmuel Wosner zt”l who permits reciting a Bracha in this scenario. See Shevet haLevi (11:165). The Tzitz Eliezer rules likewise (16:12). However, R’ Moshe Shternbuch Shlit”a debates this (Teshuvos v’Hanhagos ibid.) See also Igeres haPurim ibid. (footnote 12).
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