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מריחת קרם הגנה בשבת
VIEW SHIUR IN ENGLISH בימים אלה, ימי הקיץ, ובפרט בתקופת החופשה השנתית, רבים יוצאים לבלות בחיק הטבע, בחוף הים ובכל מקום, והצד השווה שבהם הוא חשיפה משמעותית לשמש יותר מאשר בשאר ימות השנה. בשנים האחרונות התפתחה המודעות...
Registration for CME credits Special zoom shiur from Hagaon Rav Asher Weiss Shlita
To register : Click here
Medical Halacha Chaburas
Introducing the Medical Halacha Chabura Initiative The Medical Halacha Chabura is a global initiative to facilitate in-depth, clear, guided study of the most fundamental and relevant topics in Medical Halacha...
“Electricity on Shabbos in the Digital World”
Virtual Beis Medrash 5-Part Series
Starting Sunday, August 30, 2020
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Remember! Parshas Zachor for Cholim
The Mitzvos of Chodesh Adar and Purim start with the reading of the four special Parshiyos, among them Parshas Zachor, which is read on the Shabbos preceding Purim. Most opinions maintain that the obligation to hear...
Piskei haGaon Rav Asher Weiss Shlit”a On Hearing Aids and Other Auditory Devices
For the benefit of the public, R’ Yaakov Nirenberg Shlit”a, a member of the Beis Medrash, has compiled a summary of several as-yet unpublished rulings from haGaon Rav Asher Weiss Shlit”a concerning the use of hearing...
Analog and Digital Hearing Aids on Shabbos
The Gedolei haPoskim debate the permissibility of using hearing aids on Shabbos, even if they were activated before Shabbos.[1] Some prohibit both using these devices and speaking to a person who is wearing them since...