Cholim & Bein haMetzarim

Beginning with Shiva Asar b’Tamuz, we observe many Minhagimas an expression of mourning for the Beis haMikdash throughout Bein haMetzarim. Some customs are observed for the entire period, others only to the...

Handling Sponges on Shabbos

Many medical procedures require cleansing to create a sterile field for surgery or wound treatment. May a sponge be used for this process on Shabbos? The Mishna states (Shabbos 143a): A sponge – if it has a...

Write at My Fingertips

When typing (or dialing) is necessary for Refua on Shabbos, one should preferably do so with a Shinui, even in a case of Pikuach Nefesh (unless it will delay patient care), as evident from the Rema (328:12)...

A Halachic Guide to Pumping Breastmilk on Shabbos

Breastmilk is an infant’s primary source of nourishment. For this reason, it is permissible to nurse an infant on Shabbos in any way necessary to prevent a situation of Safek Pikuach Nefesh. However, there is...

Staying Clean: Bathing Elderly Parents

The greatest challenge of tending to an elderly parent who can no longer live independently can be managing the activities of daily living (ADLs). Bathing is particularly difficult due to the nature of the...

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