As we enter the Yemei haRachamim, it is time to reflect upon our spiritual condition and our relationship with Hashem. These days are dedicated to Teshuva and Selichos. Looking back on the past year, both as a community...
Yom Kippur 5780
From the Rabbi’s Desk: Shabbos Scales
Question: Dear Rabbi Sprung, I have Type 1 diabetes, and I am meticulous about the amount of carbohydrates that I consume at each meal and use a scale to weigh my portions. During the week I use a digital scale but I...
Hands Off – Part 2
In last week’s essay, we quoted the Rema’s ruling (E.H. 195:16) that a husband may attend to his sick wife when she is a Nida if nobody else is available and she greatly needs it. Many other Poskim concur. In this...
Do It Again?
[This is the second essay in a series on Halachic ramifications of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).] We will begin this week’s essay with the powerful words of the Steipler zt”l (Orchos Rabbenu 4, p53): You must...
Selected Halachos for Cholim on Tisha b’Av
Seuda Mafsekes Even if a Choleh will not be fasting on Tisha b’Av he should still eat a Seuda Mafsekes because it is one of the Minhagim of Avelus. He is obligated to observe the Avelus even if he cannot fast. He may...
Say It Again?
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is characterized by recurring, unwanted thoughts, ideas, or sensations. These cause affected people to feel compelled to engage in repetitive behaviors to alleviate the...
Cholim & Bein haMetzarim
Beginning with Shiva Asar b’Tamuz, we observe many Minhagimas an expression of mourning for the Beis haMikdash throughout Bein haMetzarim. Some customs are observed for the entire period, others only to the “Nine Days”...
Handling Sponges on Shabbos
Many medical procedures require cleansing to create a sterile field for surgery or wound treatment. May a sponge be used for this process on Shabbos? The Mishna states (Shabbos 143a): A sponge – if it has a leather...
Write at My Fingertips
When typing (or dialing) is necessary for Refua on Shabbos, one should preferably do so with a Shinui, even in a case of Pikuach Nefesh (unless it will delay patient care), as evident from the Rema (328:12). Even those...