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Bitachon and Refua: Exploring the Approaches of the Rishonim
The Heter for a physician to heal is derived from the Pasuk: “He need only give [compensation] for his loss of work and he shall surely heal (v’Rapo Y’rapei)”. This is discussed at great length in the Rishonim and...
From the Rabbi’s Desk: (Leil) Shabbos Breakfast
Question: Dear Rabbi Sprung, This year Asara b’Teves falls on a Friday. Is it Halachically acceptable to break my fast with a light meal of cake and coffee rather than a full Seudas Shabbos? Answer: The fast of Asara...
It’s All About the Timing
There is an obligation Min haTorah to recite Krias Shema twice daily, once in the morning and again in the evening. The Gemara in Brachos (4b)adds: R’ Yehoshua ben Levi said, “Although one recited Krias Shema in Shul...