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Sweet Meat

Excessive consumption of salt is considered universally detrimental to health and significantly increases the risk of experiencing a stroke or myocardial infarction. Due to this concern, medical professionals generally...

Priestly Marriages – Part 2

In last week’s essay, we began the discussion of a Yisrael marrying a Bas Kohen. According to the Gemara (and codified by the Shulchan Aruch), a Yisrael may only marry a Bas Kohen if he is a Talmid Chacham. We also...

Priestly Marriages – Part 1

R’ Shimon says: A Talmid Chacham is not permitted to benefit from any Seuda which is not for a mitzvah. [To what does this refer?] R’ Yochanan said: Such as [the marriage of] the daughter of a Kohen to a Yisrael or the...

Did You Wash Your Hands?

Chaza”l enacted a requirement of Netilas Yadayim upon awakening in the morning, and there are many Halachic details and intricacies related to this Takana. This week’s essay will review particular issues relevant to...

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