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How Often is Often Enough?

“Do not come near a woman during her menstrual period of impurity to uncover her nakedness.” (Vayikra 18:19) Among alternative therapies, reflexology is a popular alternative treatment that is based on the theory of...

Is Bald Beautiful or Tzara’as?

Parshios Tazria and Metzora detail the laws of the Metzora. There are multiple types of Tzara’as and many Mitzvos relating to the identification of Tzara’as, the laws of impurity, and the procedures for purification...

What Can You Do?

Although it is certainly permitted to perform any act that is needed to save a life on Shabbos, not every action related to a Choleh sheYesh Bo Sakana supersedes Shabbos. Determining the line between permitted and...

Ruling Under the Influence

Purim is approaching along with its Mitzva of “Chayav Inish liVsumei…Ad d’Lo Yada”. We will discuss a relatively uncommon Halacha, namely, the prohibition of giving a Halachic ruling while drunk or even mildly...

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